This VNR Lab will focus on the ongoing Partnerships Pillar Synthesis, which includes an analysis of VNRs to determine what factors contribute to achieving SDG17 (Partnership Pillar) objectives. This analysis of VNRs is being triangulated with evidence on progress toward SDG17 from other sources, including impact evaluations, and performance and process evaluations undertaken by UN entities, Member States and development agencies.
Proceedings will focus on a presentation of the initial findings from VNR analysis used in the Partnerships Pillar synthesis, followed by a discussion of new insights anticipated from triangulating this analysis with findings on progress toward SDG17 from other sources of evidence. Representatives of the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition will provide an overview of the Coalition’s work, and the Synthesis Team from the American Institutes for Research (AIR) will present the Partnership Pillar Synthesis. The following honorable representatives will be participating as discussants to reflect on their own experiences of developing VNRs and to provide reflections on the findings from the synthesis:
- Mr. Cédric Chesnel , Technical Advisor, Ministry of Ecological Transition, France
- Ms. Anna Marie Gaines, Higher Executive Officer, Air Quality, International & EU Climate Policy, Department of Environment Climate and Communications, Ireland
- Mr. Niall McLoughlin , Principal, Air Quality, International & EU Climate Policy, Department of Environment Climate and Communications, Ireland
- Mr. Noah Oehri , Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the UN
- Mr. Andrius Malinauskas, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Lithuania to the UN
- Ms. Eimantė Lastovkaitė, Advisor for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Lithuania
The Global SDG Synthesis Coalition will be represented by:
- Ms. Kerry Albright, Deputy Director/Principal Adviser, UNICEF Evaluation Office, co-lead of the Coalition
- Ms. Ana Rosa Soares, Chief, Synthesis and Lessons Section, UNDP IEO and Global SDG Synthesis Secretariat
The American Institutes for Research will be represented by:
- Mr. Thomas de Hoop , Partnership Pillar Synthesis Team Leader, American Institutes for Research
- 14.00-14.05: Welcome and introduction of panelists by UNICEF on behalf of the SDG Synthesis Coalition
- 14.05-14.10: Brief overview of the SDG Synthesis Coalition and systematic reviews by UNDP on behalf of the SDG Synthesis Coalition
- 14.10-14.25: Presentation on the approach to VNR analysis and findings from the Systematic Review by the American Institutes for Research
- 14.25-14.55: Presentation and comments by countries that have presented VNRs
- 14.55-15.00: Summary and closing by UNICEF and UNDP